When it hurts…is there hope?
We wrote this book for you—for the person who’s hurting. Maybe it’s the diagnosis, or the accident. We wrote this for you in the midst of the pain, because God’s Word has been a balm to our souls in the pain. We want you to know that same comfort—drawing life and hope from the only giver of hope.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTsdmmKupVY?modestbranding=1;controls=0;showinfo=0;rel=0;fs=1]
Sarah and I are thrilled to unveil the official book trailer for Hope When It Hurts! This video, along with the book, was a labor of love. We’re praying it encourages you and others you know who are hurting.
We’ll let the video speak for itself.
If you feel so inclined to share it, please do via YouTube!
Learn more about Hope When It Hurts.