Four Gifts God Gives | No. 3

Productivity is equally a blessing and a curse. A blessing because our efforts and effectiveness can glorify the Lord, help other people, and steward our gifts and time well. A…

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How to Put Your Fear to Good Use

I’ll never forget the phone call. “Really? You’re absolutely sure?” I questioned the nurse because I could not believe my ears. The diagnosis was Lyme disease. After five years of…

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Drained? Receive His Fullness | No. 2

Christmas can leave a good number of people feeling more empty than full. And not only Christmas but many aspects of life. Parenting children. Budgeting monthly finances. Maintaining a healthy,…

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Where Joy is Found | No. 1

The Christmas season is often one of joy. But for some of us, it is one of hardship and sorrows. Perhaps you’ve lost a family member recently. Or perhaps you’ve…

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