Becoming a Woman of Discernment

During a quick five-minute break between afternoon tasks, I decided to read a short excerpt from a devotional book, one I had enjoyed reading for daily reflection a few years…

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Honesty Is Opportunity

Engagement is wonderful. A spectacular season of relationship between a man and a woman, engagement affords a couple the constant reminder to be intentional in their preparation for the marriage…

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Living in Pursuit of God’s Glory

Flame-grilled burgers and theology. To say that those two components make up an ideal date night might sound surprising to some, and perhaps even lame to others. But for my…

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An Ultimate Test of Ministry

“Can I use the computer for a minute, please?” My younger sister determinedly entered the family office, posing her innocent, but rather inconvenient, question. I immediately rolled my eyes, uttering…

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Confessions of a Hyper-Planner

I confess that I didn’t have the time to write this article. In fact, I believe this article really should have been entitled “Confessions of a Crazy Person” because that…

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The Perfectionist Plague

If you are plagued by perfectionism, then it’s time remember the gospel. Believe me—I will be joining you in this holy endeavor because I need the reminding, too. Oh, perfection.…

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Keys to Building Confidence

I sat on the edge of my bed and wept. To this day, I recall so clearly the desperation I felt at that very moment. The moment when I realized…

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The Cure for Spiritual Amnesia

“Don’t forget me!” Every evening, my little sister would yell these three precious words to my mother, once the tuck-in routine was complete, the lights were off, and the bedroom…

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What Is True Success?

The knots in my stomach became increasingly tighter as the hours passed. Anticipating that evening’s rehearsal, I moved throughout my day attempting to calm the nerves flaring up so wildly…

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When Faith Is a Fight

Crawling through sticky taffy. The above phrase is how I would describe my recent struggles with faith. As of late, it had seemed that the entirety of my stillness before…

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Why We Do Not Lose Heart

“The only constant is change.” Most of us have probably heard that statement. And it’s true. Just take one glance at the world, and it is clear that things are…

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