Guest Writings Five Myths About Quiet Time Does God actually command us to have “quiet time”? You might be surprised that he doesn’t. Kristen Wetherell May 30, 2024
Open the Bible Discouraged? Run—Don’t Walk—to the Word of Christ Are you discouraged today? Do you need to fight sadness, doubt, even despair? Run—don’t walk—to your Bible. Kristen Wetherell October 1, 2022
Blog Theological Precision Is Not Arrogant. It Is Humble Worship. Since Scripture is precise, it is every Christian’s joy to make heartfelt efforts toward precision when dealing with it. Kristen Wetherell December 1, 2020
The Gospel Coalition Does God Expect You to Be Perfect? “God doesn’t expect you to be perfect.” Many Christians say this, but is it true? Their intentions are good. We want to encourage fellow saints who are waging war with sin. We… Kristen Wetherell September 10, 2019
Open the Bible What Should I Do When I’m Struggling to Read God’s Word? There are times when I read God’s Word and the words seem to fall flat. I’m hungry to hear from God, eager to meet him in my Bible, yet nothing jumps off… Kristen Wetherell March 12, 2019
Guest Writings How Churches Can Help Women Study God’s Word I’ll never forget my trips to the teacher supply store in elementary school. I loved teaching my students (aka my sister) and decorating my “classroom” in our basement with calendars, lessons, and… Kristen Wetherell October 24, 2018
Blog, Revive Our Hearts 10 Truths to Set Leaders Free Friends! I’ve collaborated with some sisters in Christ from Revive Our Hearts to offer you a free ebook: 10 Truths to Set Leaders Free. Whether you lead a large women’s ministry at your church… Kristen Wetherell September 27, 2018
Open the Bible How to Make Sense of Confusing Bible Passages What in the world? I was reading Psalm 128 and I thought, Surely this passage is used to promote the prosperity gospel: Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in… Kristen Wetherell August 22, 2018
Open the Bible 14 Ideas to Make Your Bible Reading More Consistent For many Christians, reading the Bible consistently is a challenge. In 2017, the American Bible Society reported that only 20% of Americans read their Bibles at least four times each week. This… Kristen Wetherell June 28, 2018
Open the Bible Is the Word of God a Quick Fix? When you come to God’s Word, are you looking for a “quick fix”? I was struck by the following quotation, as I read through one of Pastor Colin’s sermons from the radio… Kristen Wetherell November 9, 2017
Blog 10 Bible Verses to Strengthen You As You Wait The waiting game is the least fun game to play. We’re averse to it because we like knowing outcomes. We’re especially averse to the waiting game when the outcome we’re anticipating is… Kristen Wetherell October 26, 2017
Open the Bible 10 Promises for Your Bible Reading Many mornings, weariness threatens to win. Like a thick cloud, it opposes my time in God’s Word, obscures my desire to read, and keeps me from seeing the light of truth. My… Kristen Wetherell October 4, 2017
Blog, Open the Bible Eight Reasons to Cling to Scripture in Suffering Recently, a friend and I were interviewed on a radio show about the book we’d written on suffering. One of the host’s questions struck me: In the midst of the refiner’s fire,… Kristen Wetherell July 5, 2017
Open the Bible God Is Good, So Fight the Lies A sneaking suspicion lingers in my heart. It never ceases to lie to me: “God isn’t good,” it says. “Wouldn’t you be healthy if he was?” It often masks itself in other… Kristen Wetherell January 17, 2017
Uncategorized 22 Prayers for Your Bible Reading Reading the Bible before praying is like putting the cart before the horse. The proverbial horse is the Holy Spirit of God, who empowers and enlightens our Bible reading as we mine… Kristen Wetherell November 15, 2016
Open the Bible #AnyGivenSunday: A Video Encouragement for the Election Season I love serving at Unlocking the Bible. This video is just one of the many reasons why. It’s a compilation of 50 sermon clips from 50 pastors in all 50 states, from… Kristen Wetherell November 7, 2016