Open the Bible Trust God With the Spiritual Gifts He Gives Do you trust God in the area of spiritual gifts? While talking to my brothers and sisters at church or scrolling social media, I want what other people have—specifically, their spiritual gifts,… Kristen Wetherell May 8, 2019
Blog 10 Bible Verses to Strengthen You As You Wait The waiting game is the least fun game to play. We’re averse to it because we like knowing outcomes. We’re especially averse to the waiting game when the outcome we’re anticipating is… Kristen Wetherell October 26, 2017
Blog The Cross Makes Good of All Our Mess Dried tears are evidenced on my face as I write this. I feel like a mess. I couldn’t stop the outpouring of anger that came upon me not thirty minutes ago. Pain… Kristen Wetherell March 31, 2015
Blog Don’t Be Like Ahaz It occurred to me today that God’s control over the nations is much like his control over the details of our lives. We don’t always understand why he does what he does…. Kristen Wetherell January 26, 2015
iBelieve 10 Questions to Ask When You’re Angry at God’s Plan I had tried every remedy I could think of. From melatonin to other sleep aids, from sleep masks to ear plugs, all of these so-called “solutions” for sleeping trouble resulted for me… Kristen Wetherell January 1, 2015
Music & Lyrics With You While sitting on a park bench in the Summer of 2009, I penned the lyrics to the song “With You,” which would be my first song written since the seventh grade (which was… Kristen Wetherell November 24, 2014
Crosswalk Honesty Is Opportunity Engagement is wonderful. A spectacular season of relationship between a man and a woman, engagement affords a couple the constant reminder to be intentional in their preparation for the marriage to come…. Kristen Wetherell October 24, 2014
iBelieve God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle I sit here, my legs elevated, staring at a blue hospital boot on my left foot. Whoever coined the expression, “God won’t give you more than you can handle” was clearly living… Kristen Wetherell October 18, 2014
iBelieve The Perfectionist Plague If you are plagued by perfectionism, then it’s time remember the gospel. Believe me—I will be joining you in this holy endeavor because I need the reminding, too. Oh, perfection. I love… Kristen Wetherell October 18, 2014
iBelieve Submission Is Not Just for Married People Submission is not just for married people. I should know; I’m not married. But submission is most definitely for me. Submission is also for you. When you hear the term “submission”, what… Kristen Wetherell October 18, 2014