Blog A Journaling Template for Your New Year’s Resolutions As we close another year and start a new one, there’s much to thank God for, process, pray over, and anticipate. Over the past few years, I’ve found a useful way to journal these thoughts and prayers. Kristen Wetherell December 31, 2024
Blog The Awakening Mercy of Crisis Walking with the Almighty God is our highest privilege and the center of our deepest-held beliefs. Yet crisis, with all its disorientation, unveils the mercy of God in another form: mercy that awakens us to the very realities we profess to believe. Kristen Wetherell March 25, 2020
The Gospel Coalition Three Ways to Fight Your Fears When we are afraid, our minds spin with unanswered questions: What if my spouse dies in an accident? What if I lose this baby? What if I don’t find another job? But we often fail to ask the most important question: How can I learn to trust God, no matter what happens? Kristen Wetherell March 3, 2020
Guest Writings No Condemnation As a pastor’s wife and a mom of a two-year-old girl, responsibilities weigh on me; people need me. Yet, I can’t help but feel that all my efforts to be sufficient fall incredibly flat. As I wonder if I’m disappointing others, I can’t help but wonder, “Am I disappointing God?” Kristen Wetherell February 25, 2020
Blog Join the “Fight Your Fears” Launch Team Have you felt defeated by your fears? Do you want to make strides in trusting God? Join the Fight Your Fears Launch Team! Kristen Wetherell January 6, 2020
Blog 2019 Reading Favorites It’s that time again––time to share with you my favorite books from 2019. This may sound like an obvious prerequisite for book selection, but this year I only chose books I wanted to read, rather than ones I felt I should read. And I enjoyed reading more because of this. Kristen Wetherell December 16, 2019
The Gospel Coalition When Parenting Isn’t Enjoyable When we place on ourselves the unrealistic burden of constantly enjoying our kids, our goal is misdirected, and our expectations are naïve. Kristen Wetherell November 20, 2019
Revive Our Hearts God’s Sovereignty over Suffering Is Comforting, Not Disturbing If God is in control and he is good, then (here’s the clincher) even when his plan involves pain, we can trust him. Fully trust him. We can take comfort within the suffering he sends. Kristen Wetherell September 15, 2019
The Gospel Coalition Does God Expect You to Be Perfect? “God doesn’t expect you to be perfect.” Many Christians say this, but is it true? Their intentions are good. We want to encourage fellow saints who are waging war with sin. We… Kristen Wetherell September 10, 2019
Open the Bible You Don’t Want What You Actually Deserve We will only look at ourselves and our world rightly, through God’s lens, when we see that we have far more than we deserve in the gospel. Kristen Wetherell August 16, 2019
iBelieve Moms, It Is Our Privilege On hard days of mothering, it’s easy to see it purely as a type of suffering, rather than a blessed privilege. And it is a type of suffering. Motherhood is tough. It… Kristen Wetherell July 26, 2019
Open the Bible It Is Well With My Soul In the middle of suffering, can you say, “It is well with my soul?” While sick on the couch one week, I read the Shunammite woman’s story in 2 Kings and was… Kristen Wetherell July 10, 2019
Blog First Look: An Interview with Gloria Furman, Author of Labor with Hope Today’s “First Look” interview is with Gloria Furman, author of the book Labor With Hope. Kristen Wetherell June 27, 2019